Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Waiting For Normal (Still)

You know the moments I hate... There the moments when you realize that some of the most important ppl in your life aren't who they said they are.
-The friend you see smoking outside the restaurantz
-The friend that egg'd your houseJ
-The friend that slipped up with her boyfriend and acted like it was no big dealvc
-The friend that got his girlfriend pregnantJ
-The friend that lied to you just to see if they'd get luckye
-The friend that was nice to you just because he needed a Prom dateK
-The friend that likes you but kissed your best friendD
-The friend that deals drugsJ
-The friends that go on a mission when everyone knows they shouldn'tNCB
-The friends that just don't go on missions for no reason at allKSC
-The friend that is abusive to his girlfriendB

Im so sick of fakes.. 95% of the kids I call my "friends" are the ones that I cant even remotely trust anymore. Why fake that your something that your not? Why put on an act? People don't understand how easily they show all their cards to everyone else. Every time I hear about a friend that's slipped up, it surprises me. Maybe that's because I expect more out of my friends.. Everyone has weaknesses but some are more unfortunate then others.. Why do people want so badly to be excepted? Its gross really.. honestly the only opinion that matters is you. This is simple stuff ppl.. come on.

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