Tuesday, August 28, 2012


This weeks been pretty great so far. So... yesterday I got to hold one of our patients baby for a while so he could do his work out. It was so great! I can't wait til I get to be a mom:) && today I bought this nail polish that just happens to be the exact color that I have been wanting for a long time. Its been so great though... Also.. today I saw Greg Gardner at school and he came up and talked to me for a while. It was kind of great and he is so fun!He asked for my number and he's been texting me all day long. Unfortunately... That isn't why my week went well... So... remember the boy that I told you about? From work.. Well he came in yesterday. He talked to me for a  minute and just made my whole day. I don't know what it is about him but he's defiantly pretty special. Just him being in the room makes me happier than I have been in a long time. There's just something about him that weakens me.. I wish I could save this emotion for someone that actually has an interest in reciprocating it but I cant help it. He hasn't worked in a while and I wasn't planning on seeing him this week. That's probably why I was so happy when I did see him. I wonder if maybe this is Gods way of telling me to wait for the right person... to not settle.. Often times I find myself trying to convince myself that I have feeling for a person that I really have no feeling for. Maybe this is His way of saying that when I know.. Ill know.. But anyway.. its only Tuesday and already I've  had a wonderful week. Im excited to see the rest of my week play out!

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