Thursday, December 8, 2011

i HATE this feeling

How does hate build up in your heart so easily? Why is it so much easier to dwell on all the horrible feelings you feel rather then the good ones? It kills me that I can't overcome this feeling because it makes me feel weak inside. Im letting another persons actions effect the way I live my life. So you may be wondering what happened to set me off like this.. well the short story. I know a girl. Every inch of me crawls whenever I see her/hear her name. There are few nice things I could say about her which sounds horrible. For the most part of my life I have continually tried to convince myself that she isn't out to get me.. But now im really not sure. My heart has become to hard towards her that I cant even stand to be in the same room as her. In my eyes this is really a pathetic feeling. I've had girls do worse things to me, but I don't even worry about any of those other girls anymore.. So I've come to the decision to hand it over to The Lord. He always knows what to do. I need relief from the pain that I feel all the time. I want to see her as a daughter of God.. I just cant right now. I need the strength to let go of these feelings.

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